Everyone has a unique journey. No matter where you are on that journey, the right strategy can help you reach your goals and create more success in your life.


I'm Jennifer...

Like I said on the home page, like you, I LOVE pickleball!  I really do!  When not playing pickleball, I'm probably talking or thinking about pickleball (or entrepreneurship).  

I've been playing pickleball for at least five years.  At that time, I was flying approximately 130,000 air miles around the world facilitating professional coaching sessions and/or public and private -in-house coach training programs.  I knew when I started traveling with my paddle and booking venues near places to play pickleball, that I was becoming a pickleball fanatic!  

After accumulating 3 million air miles, I hung up my wings and grabbed my paddle... 

My Story

In the early 90's, I became a professional coach -- before coaching was a thing... I'm known as one of the first 300 professional coaches and worked tirelessly to making (life, business and corporate) coaching a household name (which has occurred).  Founding member of the Int'l Coaching Federation (ICF) and Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO).  Long tenure as CEO of the oldest and largest coach training organization in the world.  Professional Speaker with the National Speakers Association (NSA).  Literally wrote the book on life and corporate coaching - after being relentlessly pursued by John Wiley & Sons: co-wrote three university-level textbooks still in print a decade later. 

Today, I enjoy my pickleball-based roles: USAP Ambassador, PPR Certified Coach (pickleball instructor at large pickleball club), trained pickleball referee and occasional pickleball tournament director.

And as I was born to coach and train (with a smile on my face), I am compelled to create and offer pickleball-based products, programs and services so players can enjoy their best pickleball life. 

Jennifer L. Corbin
Master Certified Coach (MCC)
The Pickleball Life & Business Coach

My Personal Beliefs & Quotes

Be, Do, Have

"To have a good partner, do the right thing and be a good partner." 

It's Not About You...

"Stop taking things personally when it's rarely about you... even when it seems it is."

Choose Wellness...

"Unfortunately, pain is inevitable, but (ongoing) suffering is purely optional..."

Video Poster Image

"Came into Day 1 of 6 skeptical. On Day 6, wanted a Day 7. This was the most fun I've had in a long time."

- Mona

"Wow! I never thought I'd say that $8,000 was the best investment in myself I've ever made!"

- Janey

"It's like collaborating with a business partner, but I get to keep all the profits!"

- Bill Campbell

What Motivates Me...

Simply put, I enjoy the privilege of seeing people succeed in whatever is most meaningful to them.  And, as you can imagine, success looks differently for everyone. 

One consistent in my years of coaching people from all over the world and from all walks of life is that within months of working together, they become willing to dig deep, admit and then embrace what they truly want. 

Partnering with people to acknowledge, pursue and achieve what they want is awesome.

Supporting someone to take a few risks and try new things (even new beliefs) is also rewarding.  

As Seen In...

Pickleball Life or Business Coaching

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